Elizabeth Graham, PhD, is the Principal Investigator of Lamanai.
Dr. Graham's CV
Dr. Elizabeth Graham, Emeritus Professor of Mesoamerican Archaeology at University College London Institute of Archaeology, is the Principal Investigator of the Lamanai site. She was the 2020 recipient of the Society of American Archaeology Award for Excellence in Latin American and Caribbean Archaeology.
Click here to learn about the archaeologists and anthropologists who conduct research at Lamanai.
Many of these researchers have publications listed below.
Dr. Graham's CV
Dr. Elizabeth Graham, Emeritus Professor of Mesoamerican Archaeology at University College London Institute of Archaeology, is the Principal Investigator of the Lamanai site. She was the 2020 recipient of the Society of American Archaeology Award for Excellence in Latin American and Caribbean Archaeology.
Click here to learn about the archaeologists and anthropologists who conduct research at Lamanai.
Many of these researchers have publications listed below.
![]() ABOVE: Much of the research conducted at Lamanai relies upon the help of people from the nearby villages of Indian Church and San Carlos, whose local knowledge and dedication to the work provides a valuable component to the research projects and their success. In this photo, Karen Pierce is conducting a Cultural Heritage workshop for the villagers (funded by Rotary), in which they learn about the Lamanai site and archaeological methods. RIGHT: 21st Century Women of Lamanai Brenda Arevalo, Ella Békési, Louise Belanger, Arianne Boileau, Lisa Duffy, Lindsay Duncan, Gabi Dziki, Kitty Emery, Elizabeth Graham, Laura Howard, Linda Howie, Jennifer John, Meredith Martinez, Tracy Mayfield, Karen Pierce, Dorie Reents Budet, Heidi Ritscher, Synnove Kvam Stromsvc, Christine White, Darcy Wiewall, Not pictured: Sonia Arevalo. Individual biographies. |
2017 Field Season Report
2016 Field Season Report
2015 Field Season Report
2014 Field Report for British Period Excavations, Tracie Mayfield
2014 Field Season Part 1 ("Ottawa Group" N10[3], Structure N10-15)
2014 Field Season Part 2 ("Ottawa Group" N10[3], Structure N10-15)
2014 Field Season Part 3 ("Ottawa Group" N10[3], Structure N10-15)
2008 Field Season
2007 Field Season
2006 Field Season
2005 Field Season
2004 Field Season
2001-2002 Field Seasons
1999 Field Season
1998 Field Season
1997 Field Season
110_1974.pdf Boats, Burials and Beans - Or, Life at Lamanai Lodge
122_1975.pdf Lamanai 1975: The Goods Are Oft Interr'd with Their Bones
132_1976.pdf Lamanai 1976: Architecture at Last
144_1977.pdf In The Soup, As Well As Other Structures
151_1977.pdf Lamanai 1977, Episode Two: Languishing on Lag
156_1978.pdf Lamanai 1978: Un Ballo in Maschera
163_1978.pdf Lamanai 1978, Part Two: Crocodiles and Crypts
170_1979.pdf Lamanai 1979: Prolegomena to a Treatise on the Parameters of Euphoric Disorientation...
176_1980.pdf A Dusty Tunnel
180_1980.pdf Lamanai 1980: As Easy As Picking Up Quicksilver with A Fork
187_1980.pdf Lamanai 1980, Episode Two: More Is Less
192_1981.pdf Lamanai 1981: A Regular Three - Ring Circus
199_1981.pdf Lamanai 1981 (II): Buds, Sweat and Gears
203_1982.pdf Lamanai 1982: Ottawa, Stella Dallas, and The Woodlice
208_1982.pdf Lamanai 1982 (II): Headaches in Ottawa As Stella Remains Dateless
215_1983.pdf Lamanai 1983: A Real Glyph-Hanger
sii_06_1985.pdf Lamanai 1984: Digging in the Dooryards
sii_11_1985.pdf Lamanai 1985: Stop Me Before I Dig Again
sii_30_1989.pdf The Loving Couple: A Mystery From the Maya Past
sii_35_1989.pdf Peopling The Past: How Do We Know What We Know?
Pendergast, David
[PDF] 1965-1989 All Altun Ha newsletters
Graham, Elizabeth and David Pendergast
[PDF] 1987-1994 All Ambergris Caye (Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro) newsletters
Aimers, James J.
[PDF] 2013 La Belle Et La Bête: The Everyday Life of Ceramics at Lamanai, Belize. In Proceedings of the 13th European Maya Conference, Paris December 1-8 2008, Acta Mesoamericana Vol. 21, edited by P. Nondédéo and A. Breton. Verlag Anton Saurwein, Germany.
[PDF] 2010 You Only Live Twice: The Agency of Ritual Ceramics at Lamanai. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 7:119-126.
[PDF] 2009 Bring it on: using ceramic systems at Lamanai. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 7:119-126.
[PDF] 2008 Snakes on Planes: Sinuous Motifs in the Art of Lamanai. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 5:115-123.
[PDF] 2007 Anti-apocalypse: the Postclassic period at Lamanai, Belize. Archaeology International 10:45-48
Andres, Christopher R. (Kip)
[PDF] 2005 Building Negotiation: Architecture and Sociopolitical Transformation at Chau Hiix, Lamanai, and Altun Ha, Belize. Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University. University Microforms, Ann Arbor.
[PDF] 2009 Architecture and Sociopolitical Transformation at Chau Hiix, Belize. Journal of Field Archaeology 34(1):1-24.
Boileau, Arianne
2021 Identifying Household-Level Political Economy on the Maya/Spanish Frontier: A Zooarchaeological Perspective from Lamanai, Belize. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Duffy, Lisa G.
2021 Using Residue Analysis to Explore Ancient Maya Recipes and Food-Processing Technology. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Dunning, N. P., Beach, T., Graham, E., Lentz, D., & Luzzadder-Beach, S.
2018 Maize, manioc, mamey and more: Precolumbian lowland Maya agriculture. In B. Reid (Ed.), The Archaeology of Caribbean and Circum-Caribbean Farmers (5000 B.C. to A.D. 1500) (pp. 329-352). Routledge.
Emery, Kitty F.
[PDF] 1999 Temporal Trends in Ancient Maya Animal Use: Zooarchaeological Studies of Postclassic and Colonial Period Faunal Assemblages from Lamanai and Tipu, Belize. In Reconstructing Ancient Maya Diet, edited by C.D. White, pp.61-81. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
Gann, Thomas W.F.
[PDF] 1926 Ancient Cities and Modern Tribes: Exploration and Adventure in Maya Lands, pp. 59-66. London.
Graham, Elizabeth (also see Publications listed at https://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/people/elizabeth-graham-professor-mesoamerican-archaeology)
2019 This Means War!. In S. G. Morton, M. M. Peuramaki-Brown (Eds.), Seeking Conflict: Approaches and Interpretations in Maya and Mesoamerican Studies. Boulder, Colorado: University Press of Colorado.
2018 Crisis, Complexity and Resilience: A Perspective on Maya Civilisation from the Eastern Lowlands. In H. Zhao (Ed.), Dialogue of Civilisations: Comparing multiple centres. Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Press.2018 Do You Believe in Magic?. Material Religion: the journal of objects, art and belief, 14 (2). doi:10.1080/17432200.2018.1443843
2016 Maya Coastal Adaptations in Classic and Postclassic Times on Ambergris Caye, Belize. In M. Patton, J. Manion (Eds.), Trading Spaces: The Archaeology of Interaction, Migration and Exchange. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Chacmool Conference (pp. 167-180). Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Chacmool Archaeology Association, University of Calgary.
2014 Taxes and Tribute. Mexicon, 36 (3), 76.
[PDF] 2012 Control without Controlling: MotuI de San Jose and Its Environs from an Outsider's Perspective. In Motul de San Jose: Politics, History, and Economy in a Classic Maya Polity. Edited by Antonia E. Foias and Kitty F. Emery. Gainesville, University Press of Florida.
2011 Maya Christians and Their Churches in Sixteenth-Century Belize. University Press Florida, Gainsville.
2011 Ancestral Maya economies in archaeological perspective. ANTIQUITY, 85 (328), 683-685. doi:10.1017/S0003598X00068198
[PDF] 2008 Lamanai Historic Monuments Conservation Project: Recording and Consolidation of New Church Architectural Features at Lamanai, Belize. With contributions by Claude Belanger. FAMSI (Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. http://www.famsi.org/reports/06110C/index.html
[PDF] 2006 An Ethnicity to Know. In Maya Ethnicity: The Construction of Ethnic Identity from Preclassic to Modern Times, edited by Frauke Sachse, pp. 109-124. Acta Mesoamerica, Vol. 19. Markt Schwaben: Verlag Anton Saurwein.
2006 A Neotropical Framework for Terra Preta. In Time & Complexity in Historical Ecology: Studies in the Neotropical Lowlands, edited by William Baleé & Clark Erickson, pp. 57-86. Columbia University Press, New York.
[PDF] 2006 Due south. In Pendergast, D.M., Andrews, A.P. (Eds.), Reconstructing the past: studies in Mesoamerican and Central American prehistory. (pp. 151-158). Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
[PDF] 2004 Lamanai Reloaded: Alive and Well in the Early Postclassic. In Archaeological Investigations in the Eastern Maya Lowlands: Papers of the 2003 Belize Archaeology Symposium Research Papers in Belizean Archaeology Vol. 1, Edited by Jaime Awe, John Morris, and Sherilyne Jones, pp. 223-242. Institute of Archaeology and the National Institute of Culture and History, Belmopan, Belize.
[PDF] 2002 Perspectives on Economy and Theory. In Ancient Maya political economies. Edited by Masson, Marilyn A., and David A. Freidel. Rowman Altamira. 398-418.
[PDF] 2000 Graham, Elizabeth. "Collapse, conquest and Maya survival at Lamanai, Belize." Archaeology International 4 (2000): 52-56.
[PDF] 2001 Collapse, Conquest, and Maya Survival at Lamanai, Belize. Archaeology International 2000/2001:52-56.
[PDF] 1987 Terminal Classic to Historic-Period Vessel Forms from Belize. In Maya Ceramics: Papers from the 1985 Maya Ceramic Conference, edited by Prudence M. Rice and Robert J. Sharer, pp. 73-98. BAR International Series 345(i):73-98.
[PDF] 1987 Resource Diversity in Belize and Its Implications for Models of Lowland Trade. American Antiquity, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Oct., 1987), pp. 753-767.
Graham, E., & Aimers, J. J.
2013 Type-Variety on Trial: Experiments in Classification and Meaning Using Ceramic Assemblages from Lamanai, Belize. In J. J. Aimers (Ed.), Ancient Maya Pottery: Classification, Analysis, and Interpretation (pp. 91-106). Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
Graham, E., & Aoyama, K.
2015 Ancient Maya warfare: exploring the significance of lithic variation in Maya weaponry. Lithics: the Journal of the Lithic Studies Society, 36, 5-17.
Graham, Elizabeth and Linda Howie
2021 Mobility as Resilience: A Perspective on Coastal to Inland Migration in the Eastern Maya Lowlands. In Mobility and Migration in Ancient Mesoamerican Cities, edited by MC Arnauld, C. Beekman, and G. Pereira, pp. 109-130. University Press of Colorado. http://dx.doi.org/10.5876/9731646420735
Graham, E., & Isendahl, C.
2018 Neotropical Cities as Agro-Urban Landscapes: Revisiting 'Low-Density, Agrarian-Based Urbanism'. In A. Ekblom, C. Isendahl, K. -. J. Lindholm (Eds.), The Resilience of Heritage. Cultivating a Future of the Past. Essays in Honour of Professor Paul J.J. Sinclair (pp. 165-180). Uppsala, Sweden: Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Graham, E., Macphail, R., Crowther, J., Turner, S. D., Stegemann, J., Arroyo-Kalin, M., . . . Rosique, C.
2016 Past and Future Earth: Archaeology and Soil Studies on Ambergris Caye, Belize. Archaeology International, 19, 97-108. doi:10.5334/ai.1916
Graham, E., Macphail, R., Turner, S., Crowther, J., Stegemann, J., Arroyo-Kalin, M., . . . Austin, P.
2017 The Marco Gonzalez Maya site, Ambergris Caye, Belize: Assessing the impact of human activities by examining diachronic processes at the local scale. Quaternary International, 437, 115-142. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.079
Graham, E., Scott Simmons, and Christine D. White
[PDF] 2013 The Spanish Conquest and the Maya Collapse: how 'religious' is change? World Archaeology, pp. 1-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00438243.2013.770962
Graham, Elizabeth, David M. Pendergast and Grant D. Jones
[PDF] 1989 On the Fringes of Conquest: Maya-Spanish Contact in Early Belize. Science 246:1254-1259.
Graham, E., & Wrobel, G.
2013 Los entierros de la fase Buk en Belice: comprobando las relaciones genéticas entre grupos del posclásico temprano en Belice at través de la morfología denta. In A. Cucina (Ed.), Afinidades Biológicas y Dinámicas poblacionales entre los Antiguos Mayas—Una Visión Multidisciplinaria (pp. 19-38). Mérida: Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
Haines, Helen R., Elizabeth Graham, Kerry L. Sagebiel, and Linda Howie
2016 “There is No Death! What Seems so is Transition”: Difficulties in Identifying Political Boundaries between Lamanai and Ka’kabish. In Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 13, ed. by John Morris, Melissa Badillo, Sylvia Batty, & George Thompson, pp. 169-179. Institute of Archaeology, National Institute of Culture and History, Belmopan, Belize.
Hanna, J. A., Graham, E., Pendergast, D. M., Hoggarth, J. A., Lentz, D. L., & Kennett, D. J.
2016 A New Radiocarbon Sequence from Lamanai, Belize: Two Bayesian Models from One of Mesoamerica’s Most Enduring Sites. Radiocarbon: an international journal of cosmogenic isotope research. doi:10.1017/RDC.2016.44
Helmke, Christophe
2020 (PDF) Under the Lordly Monarchs of the North: The Epigraphy of Northern Belize. Ancient Mesoamerica, 31 (2020), 261–286.
Helmke, Christophe, Stanley P. Guenter, and Phillip J. Wanyerka
2018 (PDF) Kings of the East: Altun Ha and the Water Scroll Emblem Glyph. Ancient Mesoamerica, 29 (2018), 113–135.
Helmke, Christophe and Leszek Pawlowicz
2019 (PDF) Continued Documentation of Monuments at Lamanai and Initial Computational Photography. Unpublished manuscript.
Helmuth, Hermann, and David M. Pendergast
1989 Lamanai Tomb N9-56/1: Analysis of the Skeletal Evidence. Ossa 13:109-117.
Horn III, Sherman W., Terry G. Powis & David M. Pendergast
2020 Of Watery Rocks and Slumbering Crocs: Reassessing Middle Preclassic Occupation at Altun Ha and
Lamanai, Belize, Journal of Field Archaeology, DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2020.1753320
Hosler, Dorothy
1994 The Sounds and Colors of Power: The Sacred Metallurgical Technology of Ancient West Mexico. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Howie, Linda
2012 Ceramic change and the Maya collapse: a study of pottery technology, manufacture and consumption at Lamanai, Belize. Archaeopress, Oxford.
2006 Ceramic production and consumption in the Maya Lowlands during the Terminal Classic to Early Post Classic transition: A technological study of ceramics at Lamanai, Belize. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England.
Howie, Linda, James Aimers & Elizabeth Graham
[PDF] 2014 50 left feet: The manufacture and meaning of effigy censers from Lamanai, Belize. In Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics, ed. M. Martinón Torres. Doha, Qatar: Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation http://www.qscience.com/page/books/uclq-cas
Howie, L., Graham, E., & Powis, T.
2016 Sitting on the Dock of the Bay - Ceramic Connections between Lamanai and the Chetumal Bay Area over More than Two Millennia. In D. Walker (Ed.), Perspectives on the Ancient Maya of Chetumal Bay. Gainesville, Florida, USA: University Press of Florida.
Howie, Linda, Christine D. White, and F.J. Longstaffe
[PDF] 2010 Potographies and Biographies: The Role of Food in Ritual and Identity as Seen Through Life Histories of Selected Maya Pots and People. In PreColumbian Foodways: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Food, Culture, and Markets in Ancient Mesoamerica, edited by John Staller and Michael Carrasco, pp. 369-398. Springer, New York.
John, Jennifer Ruth
[PDF] 2008 Postclassic Maya Ceramic Iconography at Lamanai, Belize, Central America. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. London: Institute of Archaeology, University College London.
John, Jenifer and Alexander John
2018 The Maya Gods of Time. Koyopa Press.
Lambert, J. D. H., and Arnason, J. T.
1978 Distribution of vegetation on Maya ruins and its relationship to ancient land use. Turrialba 28(t): 33-41.
Lambert, J. D. H., and Arnason, J. T.
1983 Ancient Maya land-use and potential agricultural productivity at Lamanai, Belize. In Durch, J. P. , Drained Field Agriculture in Central and South America, BAR, Oxford, pp. 111-122.
Lentz, D. L., Graham, E., Vinaja, X., Slotten, V., & Jain, R.
2016 Agroforestry and ritual at the ancient Maya center of Lamanai. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 8, 284-294. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.06.030
Loten, H. Stanley
[PDF] 2006 A Distinctive Maya Architectural Format: The Lamanai Temple. In Pendergast, D.M., Andrews, A.P. (Eds.), Reconstructing the past: studies in Mesoamerican and Central American prehistory. (Pp. 89-106). Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
[PDF] 1985 Lamanai Postclassic. In The Lowland Maya Postclassic, eds. Arlen F. Chase and Prudence M. Rice, pp. 85-90. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Loten, H.S. and David M. Pendergast
[PDF] 1984 A Lexicon for Maya Architecture. Royal Ontario Museum Archaeology . Monograph 8, 1984.
Mayfield, Tracie (See: https://usc.academia.edu/TracieDMayfieldPhD)
2015 Historical-Archaeological Analysis of The Nineteenth-Century British Plantation Settlement At Lamanai, Belize (1837-1868). Doctoral dissertation, the University of Arizona, Tucson, School of Anthropology.
2009 Ceramics, Landscape, and Colonialism: Archaeological Analysis of the British Settlement at Lamanai, Belize, 1837 To 1868. Master’s Thesis, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Illinois State University.
Mayfield, Tracie, Elizabeth Graham, & David Pendergast
[PDF] 2019 Cane and consumerism: Nineteenth-century sugar-growing at Lamanai, Belize. In R. Alexander (Ed.), Technology and Tradition After the Spanish Invasion, pp. 147-166. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.
2018 Consumerism, Industrialism, and Agriculture: Household-Level Technological Dialectics of Consumption at Lamanai, Belize during the Nineteenth Century. In R. Alexander (Ed.), Technology and Tradition after the Spanish Invasion. University of New Mexico Press.
Mayfield, Tracie, and Scott E. Simmons
2019 From the Canopy to the Caye: Two of Britain’s Colonial Ventures in Nineteenth-Century Belize. In Archaeologies of the British in Latin America, pp. 121-156. Springer, Cham, 2019.
McLellan, Alec
2020 Settlement Change, Urbanism, and Human and Environment Interaction at Lamanai and Ka’kabish: Two Precolumbian Maya sites in Northern Belize. BAR Publications, International Series, Archaeology of the Maya, 6.
[PDF] 2020 From Lamanai to Ka'kabish: Human and environment interaction, settlement change, and urbanism in Northern Belize. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Archaeology, University College London, UK.
Meadows, Richard K.
[PDF] 2001 Crafting K’awil: A Comparative Analysis of Maya Symbolic Flaked Stone Assemblages from Three Sites in Northern Belize. Ph.D. dissertation, Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin.
[PDF] 2003 From eccentric lithics to material symbols: aspects of ancient Maya cultural production in northern Belize. In Mono y Conejo: Journal of the Mesoamerican Archaeological Research Lab, The University of Texas at Austin. Volume 1 Spring 2003.
Pendergast, David
[PDF] 2006 The Lessons of History: Perspectives from Lamanai, Belize, on the Interpretation of Stratigraphy, Core Content, and Midden Associations. In Onward and Upward: Papers in Honor of Clement W. Meighan, ed. Keith L. Johnson, pp. 233-253. University Press of America.
[PDF] 2006 Patterns of Cache Placement and Contents at Lamanai, Belize. In Reconstructing the Past: Studies in Mesoamerican and Central American Prehistory, eds. David M. Pendergast and Anthony P. Andrews, pp. 59-70. BAR International Series 1529. BAR, Oxford.
[PDF] 2000 Lamanai. In Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia, ed. Susan T. Evans and David L. Webster, pp. xx-xx. Garland Publishing, New York.
[PDF] 1998 Intercessions with the Gods: Caches and Their Significance at Altun Ha and Lamanai, Belize. In The Sowing and the Dawning: Termination, Dedication, and Transformation in the Archaeological and Ethnographic Record of Mesoamerica, ed. Shirley B.. Mock, pp. 54-63. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
[PDF] 1993 Worlds in Collision: The Maya-Spanish Encounter in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Belize. In The Meeting of Two Worlds: Europe and the Americas, 1492-1650, ed. Warwick Bray, pp. 105-143. Proceedings of the British Academy 81. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
[PDF] 1992 Noblesse Oblige: The Elites of Altun Ha and Lamanai, Belize. In Mesoamerican Elites: An Archaeological Assessment, eds. Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase, pp. 61-79. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
[PDF] 1991 Up from the Dust: The Central Lowlands Postclassic as Seen from Lamanai and Marco Gonzalez, Belize. In Vision and Revision in Maya Studies, eds. Flora Clancy and Peter D. Harrison, pp. 169-177. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
[PDF] 1991 The Southern Maya Lowlands Contact Experience: The View from Lamanai, Belize. In Columbian Consequences, Vol. 3: The Spanish Borderlands in Pan-American Perspective, ed. David Hurst Thomas, pp. 336-354. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D. C.
[PDF] 1991 And the Loot Goes On: Winning Some Battles, but Not the War. Journal of Field Archaeology 18(1):89–95.
[PDF] 1988 What's in a Name? Lamanai and Early Maps of Mayaland. Rotunda 20(4):38-42.
[PDF] 1988 The Historical Content of Oral Tradition: A Case from Belize. Journal of American Folklore 101(401):321-324.
[PDF] 1988 Lamanai Stela 9: The Archaeological Context. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 20. Center for Maya Research, Washington, D.C.
[PDF] 1986 Historic Lamanay: Royal Ontario Museum 1985 Excavations at Lamanai, Belize. Mexicon 7(1):9-13.
[PDF] 1986 The Ancient Maya: Life in the Slow Lane. Rotunda 18(4):18-23.
[PDF] 1986 Stability through Change: Lamanai, Belize, from the Ninth to the Seventeenth Century. In Late Lowland Maya Civilization: Classic to Postclassic, eds. Jeremy A. Sabloff and E. Wyllys Andrews V., pp. 223-249. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
[PDF] 1986 Under Spanish Rule: The Final Chapter in Lamanai's Maya History. Belcast Journal of Belizean Affairs 3(1&2):1-7. Belize College of Arts, Science, and Technology, Belize City.
[PDF] 1985 Lamanai, Belize: An Updated View. In The Lowland Maya Postclassic, eds. Arlen F. Chase and Prudence M. Rice, pp. 91-103. University of Texas Press, Austin.
[PDF] 1984 Excavations at Lamanai, Belize, 1983. Mexicon 6(1):5-10.
[PDF] 1984 Carved Bones from Lamanai: More Treasures from the Hunchback Tomb. Rotunda 17(3):46-47.
[PDF] 1984 The Hunchback Tomb: A Major Archaeological Discovery in Central America. Rotunda 16(4)5-11.
[PDF] 1983 Lamanai 1981. Belizean Studies 11(3):4-7.
[PDF] 1982 The Old Man and the Moon. Rotunda 14(4):7-12.
[PDF] 1982 Ancient Maya Mercury. Science 217(4559):533-535.
[PDF] 1982 The 19th-Century Sugar Mill at Indian Church, Belize. IA (Journal of the Society for Industrial Archaeology) 8(1):57-66.
[PDF] 1982 Lamanai, Belice, durante el Post-Clásico. Estudios de Cultura Maya XIV:19-58. Seminario de Cultura Maya, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City.
[PDF] 1981 The 1980 Excavations at Lamanai, Belize. Mexicon 2(6):96-99.
[PDF] 1981 An Ancient Maya Dignitary: A Work of Art from the ROM's Excavations at Lamanai, Belize. Rotunda 13(4):5-11.
[PDF] 1981 Lamanai, Belize: Summary of Excavation Results, 1974-1980. Journal of Field Archaeology 8(1):29-53.
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[PDF] 1980 Lamanai (Indian Church): Cross-Section of Belize's Past. Belizean Studies 8(3):19-32. St. John's College, Belize City.
[PDF] 1977 Royal Ontario Museum Excavation: Finds at Lamanai, Belize. Archaeology 30(2): 129-131.
[PDF] 1977 A Face from the Past. Rotunda 10(1):4-11.
[PDF] 1975 The Church in the Jungle: The ROM's First Season at Lamanai. Rotunda 8(2):32-40.
Pendergast, David M. and Elizabeth Graham
[PDF] 1989 The Battle For The Maya Past: The Effects Of International Looting And Collecting In Belize. In The Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property: Whose Culture? Whose Property? Phyllis Mauch Messenger, ed. Pp. 51–60. University of New Mexico Press.
1993 La Mezcla de Arqueología y Etnohistoria: El Estudio del Período Hispánico en los Sitios de Tipu y Lamanai, Belice. In Perspectivas Antropológicas en el Mundo Maya, eds. María Josefa Iglesias Ponce de León and Francesc Ligorred Perramon, pp. 331-353. Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas y Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Madrid.
David M. Pendergast, Grant D. Jones and Elizabeth Graham
1993 Locating Spanish Colonial Towns in the Maya Lowlands: A Case Study from Belize. Latin American Antiquity 4:59-73.**
Pierce, Karen
[PDF] 2016 Late To Terminal Classic Transition at Lamanai with Implications for the Postclassic. Master's thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Denver.
Pierce, Karen, Claude Belanger, and Elizabeth Graham
[YouTube Video] 2015 Recent Excavations in the ‘Ottawa’ Plaza N10[3] Palace Group at Lamanai. Paper presented at the 80th Annual SAA Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Pierce, Karen and Louise Belanger
[sample PDF] 2024 Illustrations of Maya Pottery from Lamanai, Belize. BAR Publishing. Oxford, UK. https://doi.org/10.30861/9781407360935
Pierce, Karen and Elizabeth Graham
[PDF] 2017 More Inclusive Public Activities? Cultural Shifts in the ‘Ottawa’ N10[3] Palace Group, Lamanai, Belize. Poster presented at the 82nd Annual SAA Meeting, Vancouver, BC.
Powis, Terry G.
[PDF] 2002 An Integrative Approach to the Analysis of the Late Preclassic Ceramics at Lamanai, Belize. Ph.D. dissertation, Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin.
[PDF] 2001 The Preclassic Whole Vessels of Lamanai, Belize: A Final Report. FAMSI (Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (http://www.famsi.org/reports/99057/index.html)
[PDF] 2004 The role of pottery and food consumption among Late Preclassic Maya commoners at Lamanai, Belize. In Ancient Maya Commoners edited by Jon C. Lohse, Fred Valdez Jr.. University of Texas Press, Austin (2004), pp. 50–72.
Powis, T.G., F. Valdez, Jr., T.R. Hester, and W.J. Hurst
2002 Spouted Vessels and Cacao Use Among the Preclassic Maya. Latin American Antiquity 13(1):85-106.
Reents-Budet, Dorie
[PDF] 1988 Iconography of Lamanai Stela 9. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing, 22. Center for Maya Research. 16 p., Washington, DC
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[PDF] 2000 Report of the 1998 and 1999 Investigations on the Archaeology and Iconography of the Polychrome Stucco Facade of Structure N10-28, Lamanai, Belize. Crystal River, FL: Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. http://www.famsi.org/reports/98037/index.html
Simmons, Scott E.
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[PDF] 2007 Preliminary Report of the 2007 Field Season at Lamanai, Belize: The Lamanai Archaeological Project. Report edited by Scott E. Simmons and submitted by the University of North Carolina Wilmington, University College London and the Lamanai Archaeological Project to the Belize Institute of Archaeology.
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